We are very excited to announce the launching of our HOST Program for our fourth year medical students. This is a program that allows alumni of UofL School of Medicine to host fourth year medical students for the night while they are traveling for residency interviews. It is a great way for students and alumni to better connect. Also, with the rising cost of medical school, students truly appreciate being able to save money on hotel costs while traveling around the United States for interviews.

I invite you to become a host for our medical students on the interview trail. We are confident you will enjoy the experience and look forward to hearing your stories. I’ll bet many of us would like to have had a program like this when we were interviewing; I know I would have as I was exploring ENT programs!

To learn more, please visit http://louisville.edu/medicine/studentaffairs/student-services/host. If you have any questions about the HOST Program, please contact Tony Simms in the Office of Medical Student Affairs at 502-852-3267 or Anthony.Simms@louisville.edu.

Toni Ganzel
Dean, UofL School of Medicine

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